Which disciple was stoned

The naysayers drag Stephen before the Sanhedrin or Jewish council and accuse him of blasphemy. Stephen responds by calling them "stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, [who] are forever opposing the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do" Um, probably not your best move, guy. The crowd gets pretty enraged and ends up stoning Stephen. That's right. A group of people took rocks and hurled them at another person until he was dead. It's not a pretty thought.

Stoning is actually mentioned quite a bit in Jewish scripture. You could get stoned for disobeying your parents Deuteronomy , not being a virgin when you were first married Deuteronomy , and adultery Deuteronomy You probably want to go ahead and thank your lucky stars you weren't walking around while the Bible was being written. Might want to cross those places off your travel list.

These verses describe how Paul was stoned by opponents in Lystra. He then went from place to place encouraging the new disciples, and came back to Antioch Syria. Then they stoned Paul, and dragged him out of the city, supposing he was dead. They reported all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentile nations.

But as the disciples stood around him, he rose up, and entered into the city. WE all know how Judas died, hanging himself in remorse for betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. But what about the rest of the apostles: how did they die for their faith? His bones are kept in the Basilica of St.

Bartholemew in Rome. James the Less was stoned and clubbed to death. He was believed to have preached in Damascus Syria and was the first bishop of Jerusalem where he angered the Jews who stoned him to death and was finished off by someone who bashed his head.

He was crucified, tied upside down in an x-shaped cross from where he preached for two days before he finally died. His remains are partly in Constantinople, in Scotland, and his skull remains in Patros. He preached in Judea and Antioch and then went to Rome where he converted thousands to Christianity.

Christians there claim him as the first to bring the gospel to their land. He also preached in Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey, and in Greece, where he is said to have been crucified. Tradition has him preaching as far east as India, where the ancient Marthoma Christians revere him as their founder. They claim that he died there when pierced through with the spears of four soldiers.

In retaliation the proconsul had Philip arrested and cruelly put to death. Some of the oldest reports say he was not martyred, while others say he was stabbed to death in Ethiopia. There are various accounts of how he met his death as a martyr for the gospel.

There is some confusion as to which is which, but this James is reckoned to have ministered in Syria. The Jewish historian Josephus reported that he was stoned and then clubbed to death. The apostle chosen to replace Judas.


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